Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another year older..but wiser?

Its my birthday, and I haven't written anything in a while. While the calendar says I'm 38, I still feel like the guy who just graduated from college and has a whole lot of living left to do. I'm very glad to be in an industry I love that affords me the opportunity to be creative, travel and meet wonderful people.

I've been a bit busy with the forums and my newest addition to my growing video camera collection, the Canon HV30. Its a small, light handheld camera that would have blown the doors off of any video camera 5 years ago. That isn't to say its the bee's knees (who came up with that expression?). Its a consumer/prosumer camera with cruder controls and tweakability than the pro HDV cameras. I plan on using it as an unmanned camera during 2 camera shoots.

All things considered, the 'big brother' XH-A1 and 'little brother' HV30 are playing nicely together. I even put a rig together to compare them side-by-side at the same location.

Canon XH-A1 vs. Canon HV30 side by side from Oren on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Dr. Eric said...

That's truly incredible. You can start a new business in gear review like this! The picture quality on the HV is unbelievable. As usual, let me know when you retire your equipment!